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Release Standards and Content Quality with Cyicrash

Ensuring Your Releases Thrive in the Digital Realm

At Cyicrash, we uphold stringent standards to guarantee the quality and authenticity of the music distributed on our platform. Before any album is released, it undergoes a meticulous content analysis to ensure compliance with the guidelines set by our digital partners.

This analysis encompasses various criteria, including album covers, titles, track names, and artist details. All information must be accurate, aligned with the content, and adhere to the regulations of the digital platforms we collaborate with.

To align with the policies of these platforms, some content may be declined if it falls below the quality standards set by Cyicrash and our esteemed partners.

Furthermore, Cyicrash is committed to eradicating artificial streaming activities and non-organic plays within our service. Our team rigorously monitors data and playback statistics daily to uphold these quality standards. Products associated with abnormal activities may face penalties, ranging from removal on platforms to account suspension on Cyicrash. For more insights into artificial streaming and inorganic activity, click here.

Here are types of content that may face rejection during the approval process:

  1. Generic or nonexistent artist names.
  2. Misleading album titles or track names.
  3. Sound-alike songs closely resembling original works.
  4. Content falling into categories such as Relaxing Music, Meditation Music, Therapy Music, Therapy Noise (White Noise), Nature Sounds, Background Music, and Beats.

We urge you to ensure your content is well-recorded and aligns with the standards set by Cyicrash and digital platforms to avoid rejection. For further clarification, please refer to the Terms and Conditions on our website.

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