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Beware of Inorganic Activity: Safeguard Your Music with Cyicrash

n an era of deceptive practices, Cyicrash stands as your vigilant partner, committed to protecting your music from potential risks associated with illegitimate promotion services.

Make Informed Choices for Your Music’s Promotion

Recent encounters with deceptive advertisements for illegitimate music promotion services prompt this important message. Third-party services that guarantee playlist placements or a fixed number of streams in exchange for payment often engage in illegitimate practices unbeknownst to you. These services jeopardize your hard work, risking the withholding of streams, royalties, or even the complete removal of your catalog from streaming platforms.

Legitimate Streams Matter

Our streaming partners rigorously validate streams to ensure authenticity, reflecting genuine user listening intent. If a service detects the use of automated, deceptive, fraudulent, or other invalid means to boost play counts (including digital bots, “click farms,” or payment for playlist placement), it may result in the permanent removal of your entire catalog.

Exercise Caution When Choosing Promotion Services

When seeking music promotion services, conduct thorough research before making a commitment. Services that promise instant success through paid streams often lead to adverse consequences for your music career.

Say No to Purchasing Streams

Purchasing streams is not only an illegal practice but also strictly prohibited within the Cyicrash ecosystem. Artists found engaging in such activities risk having their albums permanently removed from digital platforms without notice. This practice is deemed illegitimate, goes against industry standards, and is legally classified as fraud.

Note: A Permanent Decision

The decision to delete an album is solely at the discretion of the platforms, and once removed for this reason, Cyicrash cannot reinstate the album/EP/single. Stay informed, make wise choices, and let your music thrive organically on Cyicrash.

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